Press Release & Corporate News
Dear Media Friends, Welcome! Here, you will find our latest press releases and corporate news updates. If you have any media enquiries, please feel free to contact us at, thank you.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From all of us at Fineapple Asia

Fineapple Asia Welcomes style icon Hilary Tsui to the family.
沈月 Ayla 推出首本繪本 《從頭到腳的幸福指南》 鼓勵讀者尋找快樂源頭 宣揚以愛傳愛
Introducing Fineapple Asia’s new artiste - Matt Orr 安永佳, Professional Football Player, Athlete and Model. Stay-tuned for more! Profile: Follow @mattorr8 @fineappleasia
Introducing Fineapple Asia’s new artiste - Chris Tong 湯君耀, actor and model. Stay-tuned for more! Profile: Follow @christongg @fineappleasia
Happy lunar new year 2023! Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous year of the Rabbit! From all of us at Fineapple Asia
Showreel: Looking back at Fineapple's 2022, we are ready for 2023!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From all of us at Fineapple Asia
What we do, differently. For talent and Brands. We are excited for MindDATA's launch, a trusted talent search and performance tracking tool powered by Flare Communications Group's "one-click" AI- tracking platform for predictable and measurable success for both talents and brands.
Happy CNY 2022! Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous year of the Tiger! From all of us at Fineapple Asia
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From all of us at Fineapple Asia
Fineapple Asia launches "You are Liked" Campaign
#Legend | Talent manager Leslie Tsang's 4 steps to influencer stardom
Fineapple Asia Corporate Video 2022